Ralph Vaughan WIlliams - "Reconciliation" from his cantata Dona Nobis Pacem now available in a newly transcribed arrangement by Len Rhodes for piano solo; based on the opening thirty-six bars. The rights to this arrangement were generously granted by the Ralph Vaughan Williams Estate. This arrangement for piano solo is only available through this site.
I worked with Ursula Vaughan Williams in the 1970's on the preparation of some music for her, and considered myself very fortunate to have had a direct link with her husband.
“…Among the poems by Walt Whitman (1819–1892) which RVW had set to music before the First World War was the Dirge for Two Veterans. This became the starting point for a new work in which he used two more poems both of which, Beat, beat drums, and Reconciliation, came from Whitman’s experiences during the American Civil War….all linked by a soprano voice whose repeated, imploring ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’ gave the cantata its name...”
...from ‘A Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ by Ursula Vaughan Williams, OUP 1964.